Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Date night....

All of the following pictures are from "date night" with Josh and Lindsey and of course Hannah and Orion!! (Hannah and Orion are less than a month apart and have been friends since the belly! ... you can check out other blogs for more Orion and Hannah pictures.)
Aww... Big SMILE from Hannah! She must like Orion! ;-)

Hey what are you looking at? Hannah and Orion looking at each other! (and don't worry Hannah is not playing with medicine that is an empty bottle! :-) )

Hannah knows all about the camera! And she was all about it!

Hannah loves books!! Such a smart girl!

Hannah and Mommy (Lindsey!) Looking good girls!

Um, Did someone say food?!?!

A little confused about the camera...

Okay that's better a little smile!! (I missed Orion touching Hannah and trying to put his hand in her mouth by about 10 seconds... BOO!)

Okay the food is gone... I'm done! :-)

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