Friday, October 31, 2008

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! This is only the start....

Orion had a great time helping me make our WIGS for Halloween last night! Orion is going to be the Cat in the Hat (although he doesn't like his hat... the Hatless Cat in the Hat!) He did however enjoy the blue wigs/hats mommy was making for her and daddy to wear! (We will be Thing 1 and Thing 2!)

Our friend Heather (Heea-THUR! as Orion says!) came by to drop off an early Halloween treat bag for Orion!


1 comment:

Ostlerfam said...

Hi all of you darling people. Thanks for joining our blog. I will have to progress quite a bit to get as great as yours, Amanda.
Orion has gotten so big and is so darling. I loved his name in the sand for all the world to see. Sure enjoy your pics. The photos of "God's Country" were fantastic. I know you really enjoyed the west. You are definately gypsies. Enjoy this beautiful world while you can. Keep up the postin. Love to keep up with you guys.