Sunday, July 6, 2008


The world felt a great loss on Orion's birthday this year... Monica (a friend of ours from work) passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Monica was only 28 years old.

On July 3rd last year when Orion was born (after everything we went through) I remember feeling so broken and then Monica came by the house to see us and Orion (our son) and to bring us a gift from her and Daniel and I remember feeling like ‘who am I to complain??’ Monica showed me that regardless of circumstances every single day is a gift, being able to have a child regardless of trials involved was a gift (one Monica couldn’t and will never know) and I just remember seeing her with Orion and feeling so blessed to know a person who posses so much strength and courage. We all say not to take life for granted but most of us do… Monica showed me (us) in a very real and life changing way that every moment is gift from God and that we should never take any of it for granted or complain or worry because we are just fortunate to be here... I wish I could have told Monica that through her ultimate trial she taught me (and so many others) how to not give up! She was and will remain a beautiful and exceptional person who we are all better to have known!

PLEASE join us in praying for Monica's friends and family especially Daniel (her long time boyfriend/fiancee) and her closest family and friends especially her parents and sisters...

if that does work you can view Monica's "Guest book" and legacy page at the

I truly believe Monica is Orion's special angel now!

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